Tuesday, September 26, 2006


What happens when a bunch of people are all trying to decide where to eat? How will they make up their minds? Well, the majority usually rules, even though on a rare ocasion, people would go their seperate ways and will chose a variety of places and break the group up because they cannot agree on a place. Or, they go along with a decision and do not enjoy themselves.

I wonder, in a church, how often do we go our separate ways because we cannot agree on a "place to eat"? How often do we alow a "leader" to make a decision for us? How often does a majority rule? Do we leave a space for those who are quiet to express what they think?

How can we create a community that is true to its togetherness, yet recognizes the individualities and the awesome differences of its members? How do we make sure that the ones who are quiet are being heard and invited to the table?

How do we stay away from dogmas and strive towards the journey of discovery where every question and every opinion has its place and is equally valued? How do we humble ourselves to admit to others that we do not have al the answers, even though God does? How do we encourage people to ask questions, and not spit out cookie-cutter answers?

What do you people think? Can a community like that exist?

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