Monday, December 04, 2006

Blessing to Others

Recently Stephen and I had an opportunity to re-connect with our church in Alabama, the one we attended while engaged, the one where we got married. Shades Valey Community Church is not exactly your traditional normal church, but then, I would not call us your traditional normal people.

Before we spoke on Sunday, we had an awesome experience of being ministered to in their prayer room. Old friends got together and prayed for us for half an hour, and I honestly almost cried. I spoke in many churches, and most of the time people were looking to me to bring them an insight from God or share a unique international experience. Here I was prayed for, truth was spoken with love and care, and what was said about our ministry and life was so true that there is no way these people would have known these details unless God told them, because we did not.

It was like coming back to my family. People cared, heard words from God, and had no agenda other than ministering to us. After that experience, I asked myself- am I the type of person that someone who has not seen me in a while can come "home" to? Can I love with no agenda?

Can we be a community that loves with no agenda? That walks with God so closely that we hear words of encouragement spoken to us by Him not for our benefit but to bless others through us?

In Genesis 12 God said to Abraham-

2 I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to other

Just something to think about. "Blessing to Others" is what strikes me in this passage.

What do you people think?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


What happens when a bunch of people are all trying to decide where to eat? How will they make up their minds? Well, the majority usually rules, even though on a rare ocasion, people would go their seperate ways and will chose a variety of places and break the group up because they cannot agree on a place. Or, they go along with a decision and do not enjoy themselves.

I wonder, in a church, how often do we go our separate ways because we cannot agree on a "place to eat"? How often do we alow a "leader" to make a decision for us? How often does a majority rule? Do we leave a space for those who are quiet to express what they think?

How can we create a community that is true to its togetherness, yet recognizes the individualities and the awesome differences of its members? How do we make sure that the ones who are quiet are being heard and invited to the table?

How do we stay away from dogmas and strive towards the journey of discovery where every question and every opinion has its place and is equally valued? How do we humble ourselves to admit to others that we do not have al the answers, even though God does? How do we encourage people to ask questions, and not spit out cookie-cutter answers?

What do you people think? Can a community like that exist?

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Formula of God

Donald Miller, in his book "Searching for God Knows What" writes

"Some would say formulas are how we interact with God, that going through motions and jumping through hoops are how a person acts out his spirituality. This method of interaction, however, seems odd to me, because if I want to hang out with my friend Tuck, I don't stomp my foot three times, turn around, and say his name over and over like a mantra, lighting candles and getting myself in a certain mood. I just call him. In this way, formulas presuppose God is more a computer or a circus monkey than an intelligent Being. I realize that sounds harsh, but it is true."

I wonder sometimes if we are guilty of putting God in a box. John 4:19-24 recalls a conversation where the woman at the well asks about where she's supposed to go to worship. She's prompty told that location is the least of His worries.

In our journey to understand the Spirituality of 20-somethings, I think we must make sure we're not attaching anything to the message. Making it palpable to this generation requires that we not hold on to traditions just for our own comfort.

Maybe, just maybe, if we lose the formulas and strip it down to its essense, young people today could see a God who Is, and who Loves.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Case for X Continues

We've returned from filming in NYC and Nashville!

The documentary is nearing the completion of the production phase, having filmed in L.A., NYC, and Nashville. We were able to interview pastors such as Erwin McManus and Jon Tyson. We interviewed educators from Biola and Fuller Theological Seminary. And we interviewed artists and authors like Derek Webb and Matthew Paul Turner. We are learning as much as we hoped to impart education to viewers.

We have interviews countless 20-somethings on the streets to see what their true perception of God, church, and Spirituality is. We have been amazed at their responses.

So keep on the look out for the documentary!

Friday, August 04, 2006

What is 'spirituality'?

Interesting idea you have - creating a documentary about spirituality.
Just wondering how you define that?
A lot of people seem to use that word, as opposed to something 'religious,' but I don't know what they mean. Is the concept of spirituality so broad that it encompasses an anything-and-everything approach to the metaphysical? Is it a secret code for some people within which they can hide their true orientations?
Just wondering what you're finding among people you've interviewed.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We’re on a Journey

Current Pictures is in the midst of filming a feature-length documentary called
“The Case for X: The Spirituality of 20-somethings”.

We’ve been filming all over the U.S. as well as in select cities in Europe with the hopes of finding out what drives this emerging generation, and how spirituality plays a role in their lives. We’re also looking at the church to see what effect, if any, it is having on the lives of young people.

We'll be sharing many of our insights as this project progresses. We also look forward to your comments and shared experiences. Join the conversation.

Monday, July 31, 2006

We've begun the conversation

Current Pictures.
Relevant. Media.
Spiritual? What is spiritual?
God? No God?

We create media. TV. Film.

More to come.
Join us.